首頁 >GT-502MGGB-N>規(guī)格書列表
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GPS&GLONASSReceiver(G-Mouse) 1.1ProductDescription TheGU-502GGisastand-aloneUSBinterfaceGNSSreceiver,featuringthehighperformanceMediaTekpositioningengine.Itisflexibleandcosteffectivereceiveroffersnumerousconnectivityoptionsinaminiatureenclosure45x38x13mm. Throughthefeatureof99-channel, | YICYuechung International Corp. 裕中裕中企業(yè)股份有限公司 | YIC | ||
Multi-ConstellationGNSSReceiver(G-Mouse) 1.ProductInformation 1.1ProductDescription TheGU-502GGB/GU-502MGGBfeaturesmulti-constellationandultra-lowpowerconsumption,withahighlyintegratedGNSSreceiverchipbuiltintosupportmulti-systemCortex?-M4F. TheGU-502GGB/GU-502MGGBsupportsconcurrentreceptionoffourGNSS(GP | YICYuechung International Corp. 裕中裕中企業(yè)股份有限公司 | YIC | ||
Multi-ConstellationGNSSReceiver(G-Mouse) 1.ProductInformation 1.1ProductDescription TheGU-502GGB/GU-502MGGBfeaturesmulti-constellationandultra-lowpowerconsumption,withahighlyintegratedGNSSreceiverchipbuiltintosupportmulti-systemCortex?-M4F. TheGU-502GGB/GU-502MGGBsupportsconcurrentreceptionoffourGNSS(GP | YICYuechung International Corp. 裕中裕中企業(yè)股份有限公司 | YIC | ||
CommunicationGatewayforNetcon500Outstation | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
HallEffectSensorFamily [Micronas] Introduction TheHAL5xxfamilyconsistsofdifferentHallswitchesproducedinCMOStechnology.Allsensorsincludeatemperature-compensatedHallplatewithactiveoffsetcompensation,acomparator,andanopen-drainoutputtransistor.Thecomparatorcomparestheactualmagneticflux | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
MultipurposeHall-EffectSensorFamily TheHAL5xyfamilyconsistsofdifferentHallswitchesproducedinCMOStechnology.AllsensorsincludeatemperaturecompensatedHallplatewithactiveoffsetcompensation,acomparator,andanopendrainoutputtransistor.ThecomparatorcomparestheactualmagneticfluxthroughtheHallplate( | MICRONAS Micronas | MICRONAS | ||
Hall-EffectSensorFamily 1.1.Features: –switchingoffsetcompensationattypically62kHz –operatesfrom3.8Vto24Vsupplyvoltage –overvoltageprotectionatallpins –reverse-voltageprotectionatVDD-pin –magneticcharacteristicsarerobustregarding mechanicalstresseffects –short-circuitprotectedop | MICRONAS Micronas | MICRONAS | ||
HallEffectSensorFamily [Micronas] Introduction TheHAL5xxfamilyconsistsofdifferentHallswitchesproducedinCMOStechnology.Allsensorsincludeatemperature-compensatedHallplatewithactiveoffsetcompensation,acomparator,andanopen-drainoutputtransistor.Thecomparatorcomparestheactualmagneticflux | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
HallEffectSensorFamily [Micronas] Introduction TheHAL5xxfamilyconsistsofdifferentHallswitchesproducedinCMOStechnology.Allsensorsincludeatemperature-compensatedHallplatewithactiveoffsetcompensation,acomparator,andanopen-drainoutputtransistor.Thecomparatorcomparestheactualmagneticflux | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC | ||
HallEffectSensorFamily [Micronas] Introduction TheHAL5xxfamilyconsistsofdifferentHallswitchesproducedinCMOStechnology.Allsensorsincludeatemperature-compensatedHallplatewithactiveoffsetcompensation,acomparator,andanopen-drainoutputtransistor.Thecomparatorcomparestheactualmagneticflux | ETCList of Unclassifed Manufacturers 未分類制造商 | ETC |
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
24+ |
NA |
11159 |
專注YIC品牌原裝正品代理分銷,認準水星電子 |
詢價 | ||
2452+ |
/ |
473077 |
一級代理,原裝正品現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
SOD-1231206 |
9100 |
新進庫存/原裝 |
詢價 | ||
22+ |
SOD123 |
25000 |
只有原裝原裝,支持BOM配單 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
SOD-323 |
9600 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,優(yōu)勢供應,支持實單! |
詢價 | ||
20+ |
SOD-323 |
89680 |
現(xiàn)貨很近!原廠很遠!只做原裝 |
詢價 | ||
Vek-onlin |
2022+PB |
SOD-323 |
9500 |
詢價 | |||
Vek-onlin |
16+ |
SOD-123 |
45000 |
鍏ㄦ柊鍘熻鐜拌揣/浠鋒牸鍙皥! |
詢價 | ||
Vek-onlin |
20+ |
SOD-123 |
36800 |
原裝優(yōu)勢主營型號-可開原型號增稅票 |
詢價 | ||
Vek-onlin |
SOD-123 |
45000 |
一級代理 原裝正品假一罰十價格優(yōu)勢長期供貨 |
詢價 |
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