This LSI is a single-chip RISC microprocessor that integrates a Renesas Technology original RISC CPU core with peripheral functions required for system configuration. The CPU in this LSI has a RISC-type (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) instruction set and use a superscalar architecture and a Harvard architecture, which greatly improves instruction execution speed. In addition, the 32-bit internal-bus architecture enhances data processing power. With this CPU, it has become possible to assemble low-cost, high-performance, and high functioning systems, even for applications that were previously impossible with microprocessors, such as realtime control, which demands high speeds. In addition, this LSI includes on-chip peripheral functions necessary for system configuration, such as a large-capacity ROM, a ROM cache, a RAM, a direct memory access controller (DMAC), a data transfer controller (DTC), multi-function timer pulse units 2 (MTU2 and MTU2S), a serial communication interface with FIFO (SCIF), a serial communication interface (SCI), a synchronous serial communication interface (SSU), an A/D converter, a D/A converter, an interrupt controller (INTC), I/O ports, I2C bus interface 3 (IIC3), a universal serial bus (USB), and a controller area network (RCAN-ET).
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
ST/意法 |
23+ |
NA/ |
3261 |
原廠直銷,現(xiàn)貨供應,賬期支持! |
詢價 | ||
TI |
22+ |
10000 |
原裝正品優(yōu)勢現(xiàn)貨供應 |
詢價 | ||
ST |
ZIP15 |
36900 |
集團化配單-有更多數(shù)量-免費送樣-原包裝正品現(xiàn)貨-正規(guī) |
詢價 | |||
24+ |
SMD14 |
1 |
自己現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價 | |||
陜西華經 |
22+ |
38582 |
鄭重承諾只做原裝進口貨 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
DIP-20 |
35200 |
一級代理分銷/放心采購 |
詢價 | ||
NS |
專業(yè)鐵帽 |
TO-3 |
67500 |
鐵帽原裝主營-可開原型號增稅票 |
詢價 | ||
12+ |
SOP20 |
7000 |
普通 |
詢價 | ||
ST |
21+ |
DIP-20 |
10000 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨假一罰十 |
詢價 | ||
Eaton |
22+ |
NA |
168 |
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詢價 |